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Tuesday, July 13, 2010


so we are gonna try to start doing some major coupon clipping , making menus ,etc. I'm determined to save some money so i can get the curriculum i really want for the boys.

I'm gonna try to make more things from scratch . we'll see how well that turns out. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to make a loaf of bread. well i gotta go search the web for some budget friendly recipes.


  1. Homemade bread is the best! You don't have a bread machine do you? If not, try to find one that doesn't require a lot of kneading and rising.

    I always have good intentions of coupon clipping and menu making but never seem to be able to keep at it. Good luck! I hope it works better for you.

    And I have a great recipe for Creamy Italian Chicken (in the crockpot) if you're interested.

  2. mmmmmmm Yes i would love the recipe. I found a really easy bread recipe. I actually haven't got around to making it yet. When making bread its good to have yeast which i didn't get till yesterday.

    I've actaully been able to really see savings when i use coupons. Kroger is where i find the best deals.
